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Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

How to become a merchant

Here's the steps on how to become a merchant of mig33 Smile

Being a merchant is an exciting business opportunity. The business model is simple. Below is an outline of how this works.

mig33 credits are used by both our own mig33 users and many others, to make cheap calls and send SMS all over the world. And to enable users to buy these credits, we work with local merchants to help us sell these mig33 credits to users.

And we think this is a great opportunity to build a successful business.

Register today to find more, and then get started. Simply do so at http://www.mig33.com/merch/register_form.php

As a merchant, to get started firstly you may want to get familiar with customer tools and information, at our exclusive Merchant Center. Simply click on the ‘Merchant’ link at www.mig33.com, and login with your details on the left hand side. Our Merchant Centre is also available in mig33's Mobile Web site (wap.mig33.com) and application (under My Accounts).

Then there are 3 easy steps.

· As a merchant you can buy credits at a discounted rate, and resell the bonus free credits that you receive. The bonus credits are your profit margin.

We have one standard pricing tier, where all purchases will receive a 25% bonus credits on the amount purchased. Minimum purchase amount is USD$100.

For example, if you pay $200 you will receive an extra 25% worth of credits ($50). Your profit will be the extra credits you received for free ($50).

Purchases are made easy with local banking (where available), telegraphic transfer, credit card or Western Union. It’s that simple.

Limited offer: Now you can start from making a US$5 purchase, with our Starter Pack.

· After you have made your first purchase, you’re ready to sell to users. We can help you with free marketing and driving buyers (mig33 users) to you in your country. This is a great starting point.

· Build your business. Opportunities are endless as anyone can use these great services. We’re adding more services soon, so your customers will be able to redeem their credits for much more too.

Source : Shadow_woman ( merchant of mig33)

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