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Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

A simple but useful trick

Hi friends!! It is seen that we often don't prefer to stay in room but still we want to know about the users are coming in and going out as well as the users present into room.Without staying into the room,it's a cool trick to view users & private chat with desired person from the room.First you have to go to your desired room.After entering into your desired room,now you press menu.Next you'll have to press leave room and at once you press "back" option in order to cancel leaving room.You'll have to cancel the leaving room as quickly as the room window doesn't disappear finally.After canceling the leaving room,now you write something into room.Like an example,you may send a dot into room and no sooner you'll be informed that you are not into the room.Now everything is done,just check list user as well as you can take your desired person into private chat from room.The list user and private user options both will be updating in every second.As a result,by pressing list or private user options from room menu,you'll be able to know the users who are coming in and going out as well as the present users into the room.If you fail to apply this trick,please don't be disappointed just try again.It's a very simple trick but useful sometime.So friends as always wish you BEST OF LUCK!

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